Jumat, 13 April 2012

A few wise words to live by.....

Last Saturday a group of trail runners in Boise participated in a memorial run for Micah True, aka Caballo Blanco, who passed away unexpectedly while out for a run.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend but Emily Berriochoa shared a few thoughts afterwards that are worth sharing here since they apply to all aspects of life, not just running.

"...I thought of some words I would like to have shared at the waterfall today. The passing on of someone who has touched us is a good opportunity to remember that life is short; our days are numbered, and we never know when our last breath may come, or when our last step will be run. Remember to appreciate the ones who love you, the precious people who support you and your dreams; appreciate the beauty of life and our ABILITY. May we all be blessed to run to the very end like Micah; even if we cannot, let's remember every day to create legacies that will live on past our ordinary selves, just as Caballo Blanco's will. Like he was, we are all ordinary but have extraordinary potential." ~Emily Berriochoa

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